Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Consider the impact Essay Example for Free
Consider the effect Essay In the sonnet Afternoons by Philip Larkin the end lines are a compelling end top the sonnet all in all. The end lines finish up the way that youthful moms are being stifled by society and that they are being constrained into a dull dismal life. Evenings is based around youthful moms taking care of their kids. The weights of society have constrained them into wedding youthful and having kids. Because of this they have lost all the delight in their lives and are settling down into a dull good for nothing life. The end lines of evenings express that Something is pushing them To the side of their own lives This viably finishes up the sonnet as it alludes near the sonnets principle subject which is created all through the sonnet. The last lines summarize the way that the weights of society have constrained the moms into the dull lives that they are at present living. The possibility that the youthful moms have lost their lives is created throughout the sonnet. It is viably presented in the initial lines of the sonnet where the artist states Summer is blurring Leaves fall in ones and twos, from Trees flanking the entertainment ground Summer is an analogy for the lives of the youthful moms which are blurring ceaselessly. Summer is the high point in the moms lives which is rapidly turning out to be simply a memory. The leaves are representative of the moms. They have lost all shading and imperativeness in their lives and are blurring endlessly simply like a leaf when it tumbles off a tree. The possibility that the moms are carrying on with a dull life is proceeded with when the artist says In the hollows of evenings Youthful moms collect At swing and Sandpit Setting free their youngsters The way that the evenings are empty to the moms reveals to us how discharge their lives have become. The word Assemble proposes that the youthful moms dont appreciate what they are doing. Taking their kids to the play park is a task to the moms and they have little satisfaction doing as such. The way that they are without setting their youngsters gives us that they are concentrating altogether on them. They are not needing the childrens lives to turn out like theirs did. They are giving them some happiness in their lives. The possibility that the moms are relied upon to care for their youngsters is explained when the artist says Behind them at spans Stand spouses in gifted exchanges The way that their husbands are remaining behind them reveals to us that they are not having any desire to engage with the kids. The spouses are leaving the activity of taking care of their kids on the moms. The spouses anticipate that the youthful moms should take care of the youngsters totally all alone. The play is set during the 60s in a period where youthful moms were relied upon to commit all their thoughtfulness regarding their spouses and youngsters and disregard themselves. Society anticipated this of them thus do the spouses. The way that the spouses are in gifted exchanges features that they themselves live moderately fascinating lives. This is in sharp differentiation to the dull, dismal lives that their spouses have and stresses the forces of the desires for society. The primary concern that the moms lives have changed is additionally indicated when the artist says that the collections named Our Wedding are lying close to the TV . The juxtaposition between the wedding collections, representing the greatest day of the moms lives and the way that they are lying close to the TV representing lack of involvement and routine accentuates the degree where the youthful moms lives have changed. Their lives have obviously gone downhill structure the big day and they are stuck in their exhausting, dull lives with little any expectation of things evolving. The topic that the youthful womens lives have changed for the more regrettable is finished when the writer says Before them the breeze is demolishing their pursuing spots, that are as yet seeking places however the sweethearts are all in school The breeze is representative of a power for change which for this situation is the weights of society. The way that the pursuing spots have been demolished helps feature how the moms lives have changed in a generally brief timeframe. The possibility that they are as yet involved helps show the cycle inside the period of ladies leaving school wedding and having kids at as youthful age. This helps feature the weight of society that are always bearing. The kids are following a similar way that the youthful moms drove and will before long turn out simply like them. As you can plainly observe the last lines something is pushing them to the side of their own lives is a compelling end to the entry in general. The end lines help explain that the principle purpose behind the moms misery is because of the desire for society that have constrained them into wedding youthful and having a family. The fundamental thoughts of the sonnet are successfully passed on all through and are adequately closed with the completion lines.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Greek Mythology and Athena Essay Example for Free
Greek Mythology and Athena Essay On the highest point of Mt. Olympus lived one of the best g o d e s e s , A t h e n a . A t h e n a w a s k n o w n a s a g o d e s o f w a r, w I s d o m a n d a r t s . S h e I s p o r t r a y e d a s t r o n g , f an I r a n d m e r c I f u l . S h e h e l p e d m a n y w a r I o r s o n t h e I r j o u r n e y s . S h e w a s g r e a t l y a d m I r e d b y h u m a n s f o r h e r c o n t r I b u t I o n s t o m a n . A t h e n a w a s a l s o v e r y I n t e l I g e n t a n d t h o u g h t f u l ; s h e r a r e l y l o s t h e r t e m p e râ a n d p u s h e d f o r a s o l u t I o n t h a t w a s b e n e f I c I a l . A s y o u r e a d o n y o u w I l f I n d t h a t A t h e n a w a s a g r e a t a s e t o t h e O l y m p I a n s a n d h a d f a r m o r e p o s I t I v e a t r I b u t e s t h a n o t h e r g o d e s e s . The introduction of Athena was in excess of a bizarre one. Her m o t h e r w a s M e t I s a n d h e r f a t h e r Z e u s . Z e u s r e I g n e d o v e r a l t h e divine beings and goddesses of Mt. Olympus. It is no big surprise that a divine being this ground-breaking and prevailing would require no lady to tolerate hisâ o f s p r I n g . Z e u s w a s t o l d b y h I s m o t h e r a n d F a t h e r t h a t M e t I s w o u l d b a r e c h I l d r e n . Z e u s w a s n o t h a p y a b o u t h I s ; h e f e l t I t w o u l d j e o p a r d I z e h I s p o s I t I o n a s r u l e r. W h e n M e t I s w a s a b o u t o g I v e b I r t h , Z e u s w a l o w e d h e r a n d I n t h e p r o c e s g an I n e d h e r I n t e l I g e n c e a n d w I s d o m . A t h e t I m e Z e u s t h o u g h t I t w a s a g o d I d e a b u t I t w a s n o w c a u s I n g h I m p an I n . H I s h e a d a c h e b e c a m e s o s e v e r e t h a t h e w o u l d o a n y t h I n g t o r e l I e v e I t . H e gave consent for another god to hit him in the head with a hatchet. At the point when he did this, out popped Athena full developed and w e a r I n g a s u I t o f a r m o r . A t h e n a b e c a m e h e r f a t h e r ââ¬â¢s f a v o r I t e . S h e r e m an I n e d h I s a l y b u t a l s o h I s p r o t e c t o r. S h e p r o m o t e d h I s I n t e r e s t s a n d s e r v e d a s h I s a d v I s o r. A t h e n an a l s o I n h e r I t e d s o m eâ i m p o r t a n t r an I t s f r o m h e r m o t h e r a s w e l ; w I s d o m a n d j u s t I c e were two of the enormous ones. A t h e n a w a s t h e g o d e s o f w I s d o m a n d w a r . S h e w a s typically portrayed holding a lance, yet she was known more for h e r o l e a s m e d I a t o r a n d I p l o m a t h a n f o r a c t u a l y f I g h t I n g I n b a t l e . H e r d e c I s I o n s w e r e h I g h l y e t h I c a l a n d s e l d o m o t I v a t e d b y h e r s e l f I n t e r e s t o r b e l I e f s . M a n y o f t h e G r e k m y t h s t e l lâ tales of her offering assistance to different divine beings, goddesses and heroââ¬â¢s a s t h e y w e n t I n t o b a t l e . A t h e n a h a d g I v e n P e r s e u s h I s m o s t h e l p f u l t o l t o s l a y M e d u s a , h I s h I e l d . A n y o n e w h o l o k e d t h e m o n s t e r d I r e c t l y I n t h e y e s w o u l d b e t u r n e d t o s t o n e . A f t e r h e b e h e a d e s M e d u s a h e g a v e I t o A t h e n a t o d e c o r a t e h e r a r m o u r. A l s o n t h e v o y a g e b a c k f r o m t r o y s h e p r o t e c t e d U l y s e s . T h e most assistance she gave however was to Hercules. She remained by his s I d e a n d w a s a g r e a t c o m f o r t o h I m . A f t e r h I s p a s I n g s h e w e l c o m e d h I m I n t o t h e g a t e s o f M t . O l y m p u s . A t h e n a c a m e d o w n f r o M t . O l y m p u s a n d w a l k e d b e t w e n t h e t w o a r m I e s a n d m a d e b o t h s I d e s w e a r t o k e p e a c e , s h e d I d t h I s t o p r e v e n t h e T r o j a n Wa r . U n f o r t u n a t e l y o n e o f t h e s o l d I e r s w e n t a g an I n s t h I s o a t h a n d l e t l o s e h I s a r o w ; t h I s w a s t h e b e g I n I n g o f t h eà T r o j a n Wa r . A t h e n an e x p r e s e d h e r a n g e r t o w a r d t h e s o l d I e r b y helping the opposite side to triumph. In one of her most notable experiences Athena came to fruition of men, ladies and youngsters to l e a d w a n d e r I n g O d y s e u s . T h I s a l o w e d h I m t o r e t u r n h o m e s a f e l y t o h I s f a m I l y a n d c h I l d r e n . Athena is one of the three virgin goddesses, alluded to as a v I r g I n b e c a u s e s h e w a s a b l e t o r e m an I n u n s w a y e d b y A p h r o d I t e . Aphrodite is the goddess of adoration, marriage and parenthood. M o t h e r l e s h e r s e l f , A t h e n a u s u a l y p l a c e d P a t r I a r c h a l standards above protective bonds. Athena not just provided for the w a r I o r s b u t o a l h u m a n s . H e r e s p o n s I b I l I t I e s w e r e g I v I n g w I s d o m , I n v e n t I o n s , I n s p I r a t I o n s a n d p r o t e c t I n g t h e A t h e n s . O n e o f h e r g r e a t e s t g I f t s w a s h e r k n o w l e d g e o f t a m I n g h o r s e s , s h e showed the individuals of Cyrene and word before long spread. She alsoâ c r e a t e d t h e p o t e r y w h e l a n d m a d e t h e f I r s t v a s e o n I t . S h e w a s a l s o a g r e a t w e a v e r a n d l o v e d t o d e c o r a t e . S h e w a s a g o d e s o f m a n y t a l e n t s a n d a n e x p e r t a r t I s a n . N o b o d y e v e r c a m e c l o s e t o s u r p a s I n g h e r w o r k a l t h o u g h a y o u n g m o r t a l w o m a n a m e d A r a c h n e ââ¬â¢ s p u t h e r t o t h e t e s t . T h e c h a l e n g e w a s t o s e w h o w a s t h e b e t e r w e a v e r. A r a c h n e ââ¬â¢s t a p e s t r y h a d o f e n d e d h e r g r e a t l y,â i t d e p I c t e d Z e u s a s a d u l t e r o u s . A t h e n a r I p e d t h e t a p e s t r y t o s h r e d s a n d A r a c h n e v e n t u a l y h u n g h e r s e l f . O n c e A t h e n a h a d chilled from what had occurred, she changed the lady I n t o a s p I d e r o u t o f p I t y. T h e w o m a n w a s n o w a b l e t o w e a v e b e a u t I f u l s p I d e r w e b s f o r e t e r n I t y. In the past Poseidon and Athena had a battle to assume control over a c I t y I n G r e c e . To s e t l e t h e a r g u m e n t , t h e y e a c h a d t o g I v e aâ g I f t o t h e c I t y. T h e o n e w I t h t h e b e t e r g I f t w o u l d b e c o m e l e a d e r o f t h e c I t y. P o s e I d o n g a v e a s p r I n g o f w a t e r t o t h e c I t y, b e c a u s e I t w a s a l t w a t e r I t w a s o f n o u s e t o t h e p e o p l e . A t h e n a g a v e t h e c I t y a n o l I v e t r e . F r o m t h I s t r e t h e y c o u l d e a t , m a k e oil and have wood for fire. By administering of the city, Athenaââ¬â¢s blessing w a s b e t e r t h a n P o s e I d o n s . I n h e r h o n o r t h e y n a m e d t h e c I t y A t h e n s . T h e r e I s a l s o a p a l a c e d e d I c a t e d t o h e r I n A t h e n s . H e r s y m b o l s a r e t h e o w l a n d t h e o l I v e t r e . T h e o l I v e s , t a m I n g o f t h e h o r s e a n d h e r c r e a t I o n o f t h e p o t e r y w h e l w e r e a l c o n t r I b u t I o n s t h a t w e r e g r e a t l y a d m I r e d . O t h e r w o m e n r a r e l y t o k t h r e a t o A t h e n a ; t h e m o s t n o t a b l e x c e p t I o n t h o u g h w a s h e r c h I l d h o d f r I e n d P a l a s . I n o n e o f t h e s t o r I e s P a l a s a n dà A t h e n a w e r e b o t h t o m b o y s a n d I n s e p a r a b l e , t h e y p r a c t I c e d f I g h t I n g s k I l s a n d s h a r e d p l a y f u l a d v e n t u r e s . D u r I n g t a r g e t p r a c t I c e , A t h e n an a c I d e n t a l y s h o t a n d k I l e d P a l a s w I t h a b o w and bolt. So upset over the loss of her companion, Athena t o k P a l a s ââ¬â¢ n a m e a n d a d e d I t o h e r s . O f t e n t I m e s h e w a s r e f e r e d t o a s P a l a s A t h e n a , t h I s w a s t o h o n o r h e r f r I e n d . N o tâ o n l y d I d A t h e n a ââ¬â¢s d e c I s I o n s d e m o n s t r a t e w I s d o m b u t a l s o c o m p a s I o n a s w e l . I n a n o t h e r s t o r y a m a n a m e d Te I r e s I a s a c I d e n t a l y w a l k e d I n o n A t h e n a w h I l e s h e w a s b a t h I n g . T h I s w a s a n a c t h a t n o r m a l y w o u l d h a v e b e n p u n I s h e d b y d e a t h . Athena had compassion for him however; she secured his eyes with her hands making the man dazzle. She gave him the endowment of inward s I g h t. A t h e n a n o r m a l y p u t p a t r I a r c h a l p r I n c I p l e s a b o v eâ m a t r I a r c h a l b o n d s . S h e I d e n t I f I e d w I t h t h e p a t r I a r c h y a n d typically bolstered their side in a question. In the principal preliminary of h I s t o r y, A t h e n a c a s t h e f I n a l v o t e o n a c q u I t I n g O r e s t e ââ¬â¢ s o f m u r d e r I n g h I s m o t h e r t o a v e n g e h I s f a t h e r ââ¬â¢s d e a t h . S h e w a s p e r s u a d e d b y A p o l o w h o s an I d a m o t h e r ââ¬â¢s d e a t h w a s o f l e s I m p o r t a n c e t h a n a f a t h e r. Wo m e n s I m p l y n u r t u r e a s e d b u t m e n a c t u a l y p l a n t I t . M e n a r e v I e w e d a s h I g h e r I m p o r t a n c e t o A t h e n a . M o r e t h a n a n y o f t h e o t h e r g o d e s e s A t h e n a r e m an I n s a s y m b o l o f k n o w l e d g e , w I s d o m , l o g I c a n d c I v I l I z a t I o n . A t h e n a r e m I n d s u s t h a t w e c a n s u c e s f u l y u s e o u r I n t e l e c t a n d c r e a t I v I t y t o r e a c h a n y g o a l s . WORKS CITED: 1. ) http://www. theoi. com/Olympios/AthenaMyths. html 2. ) http://ancienthis
Monday, August 10, 2020
Global Citizenship Example
Global Citizenship Example Global Citizenship â" Essay Example > IntroductionGlobal citizenship pertain the entire world to bring globe peace and the notion of citizenship to a world level and is strongly related to the ideas of cosmopolitanism and globalization. Global citizenship can be explained to as ethical and moral character that channel the understanding of persons of local and global contexts. Most citizens can be marked as up-and-coming global citizens are actively engaged in efforts on a global scale â"through health issues, business, education, and environment. Global citizenship includes elements such as knowledge and understanding, skills, and values and attitudes. The fact of global citizenship lacks global governing body and the global citizens suddenly erupted of their own desire (Banks, 2000). Key elements of responsible global citizenship The first key element for developing responsible Global citizenship is knowledge and understanding. This is knowledge and understanding which will help persons deal with social injustices a nd ensure sustainable development in all aspects. Global citizenship in this aspect can be defined to as ethical and moral disposition that guides a persons or groups understanding of world or local frameworks and reminds them of their roles in different societies; this is as per U. S president Obama in a speech in Berlin in the year 2008. We see a global citizen as a person who is conscious of the entire globe and has a logic of their own responsibility as a globe citizen and who has an understanding of how the globe works politically, economically, culturally, socially, environmentally and technologically, understands that humanity is one, world is interconnected, and world ethnic is important in the development and sustenance of justice and equity (Oxfam 1997). The globe is becoming amalgamated around general business elite, elite that shares experiences and interests and shares most in common with each other and as a result there has been development of denationalized global el ite that similarly lacks international civic logic of responsibility (Banks, 1997). This image focuses on global citizenship upon the results on identity of globalization on economic forces. Some people advocate for a centralized global government that will ensure unity and prevent global turmoil in the entire world. People are not associated with certain societies whether state or cities because of their loyal participants but because of how they think, feel, and act to certain situations. Global citizens should not feel less or more of their state due to what their have contributed to another state as a Danish man who had contributed so much to the European Economic Community said. The examples of this element include: diversity, peace and conflict, sustainable development, globalization and interdependence, and equity and social justice (Zygmunt, 1992). The other key element of responsible global citizenship is skills. In this approach, global citizenship can be explained as mot ivation by global interests such as universal equality, local interests such as fairness and self interest, and concern for other persons, human right and human dignity (Richard, 2000). Global citizenship is based on such fundamental skills as communication for global interaction, holistic approach, development of sense of self esteem and identity, conceding the significant of certain attitudes, values and individual and community education, needs and interests of young people, providing support and increasing motivation of young people to effect modifications and also valuing all persons and tackling inequality in all levels (Thomas, 1999). A global citizen should be able to communicate efficiently with persons from all cultural and geographical backgrounds and should show respect for all world citizens despite their religion, race, and creed (Oxfam 1997). Global action is on the increase. Various demonstrations in places such as Genoa in 2001 and Seattle in 1999 united activists from the whole world who localized global matters in various ways. This as a result shows a likelihood of up-and-coming global community. Travel and communication advanced by telephony and internet has enabled persons from various nations and from every corner of the world to travel across borders for various reasons and activities (Banks, 2000). With global citizenship as a result, persons have come up with organizational tools such as the internet so as to make themselves international citizens although in the world, goods move greater and easier compare to human being. This element includes qualities such as ability to argue efficiently, critical thinking, ability to challenge inequalities and injustices which exists in many states, co-operation amongst states and conflict resolution which may occur at local or international level, and respect for people and things (Richard, 2000).
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Rape Is A Serious Problem - 2872 Words
Only rapists know when they will strike their prey with sexual assault. The victims, both men and women, never see themselves in such a situation. But, what if both the victim and rapist are equally to blame in that situation? What if women could be able to and should do everything they can to prevent being raped? Is it possible that victims are not doing everything they can to prevent rape or defend themselves when they are being violated? The argument of to whom the fault actually belongs to has been a long occurring ordeal that perhaps may never be resolved. Rape is a serious problem, which is why it is one of the most highly debated topics in todayââ¬â¢s society and media. Many actors and actresses have spoken out against rape, some are even victims. There has also been a growing amount of concern towards women expressed by many anonymous Twitter accounts. Those accounts have helped make teenagers and other social network users more aware of rape culture. According to the Marshall University Womenââ¬â¢s Center, ââ¬Å"rape culture is an environment in which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused in the media and popular cultureâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Womenââ¬â¢s Centerâ⬠marshall.edu page 1). Women believe that rape culture is emphasized through arrogant language, women being objectified by men, the overuse of television sexual violence, and teaching the victims not to be raped instead of teaching the rapist not to rape. Marshall Universityââ¬â¢sShow MoreRelatedSpousal Rape Essay964 Words à |à 4 PagesCan a husband rape his wife? I find myself amazed by the number of people who believe that they canââ¬â¢t. It seems, the common mindset is that when a man and woman marry, the woman somehow become the manââ¬â¢s property, for him to do with what he wants, whenever he wants, regardless of her feelings. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Racism Of Black Men By Martin Luther King Jr.
Picture thousands of inner-city children being forced into a system that leads them from school straight to prison. Picture hundreds of stories, seemingly every day, being published about unarmed black men killed by police. Picture a bus full of college students obliviously conducting racist sing-alongs regardless of its potential to offend or hurt others. All these recent events have led some to question the 21st-century idea that Americans live in a society absent of racial strife and inequality (Winant). Are all Americans living the dream of Martin Luther King Jr., or are some still affect by the racism that is seemingly still embedded within our culture like a repugnant weed that has yet to be pulled from its roots? Although raceâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Most black men, varying from children to senior citizens, have been led to the assumption that they should fear the police; rightly so given that high numbers of this demographic tend to be victims of unjustified police kil lings. For example, Eric Garner, a forty-three year old man from New York, was put in a chokehold after resisting arrest, triggering his asthma, whichââ¬âafter stating ââ¬Å"I canââ¬â¢t breatheâ⬠eleven timesââ¬âcaused his eventual death. As a result of his disturbing final moments, his death caused nationwide protests calling for justice, although some American citizens showed their ugly side. Moreover, amongst many insensitive and offensive comments from the side defending the officer, several counter-bywords were coined to counter the effects of Garnerââ¬â¢s martyrdom, such as: ââ¬Å"Breathe Easy. Donââ¬â¢t Break the Law.â⬠or the heinous ââ¬Å"I Can Breatheâ⬠(Bloom). As a result, along with other similar misfortunate events, this reaction took discussions about race off the back burner (Police Brutality). Currently, major citiesââ¬âsuch as New York and Los Angelesââ¬âseem to be the hearths of police brutality. In March of 1991, the bea ting of Rodney King by white police officers sparked a violent series of riots in 1992, which some consider to be the first major race-riots since the 1960s. One major issue that comes up these events is the alienation of the ââ¬Å"bad copsâ⬠from the ââ¬Å"good copsâ⬠. Many feel as if, the ââ¬Å"bad copsâ⬠never face justice for many
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Ethical Decision Making Paper Free Essays
In this paper I will examine the relationship of a school psychologist and the relationship of his client and how boundaries were crossed when the school psychologist entered a sexual relationship with his minor client. To complete this assignment, the ethical dilemma will be discussed, the 14 steps in the ethical decision making process will be applied, further I will briefly discuss the importance of ethical decision making in professional psychology. Ethical Dilemma. We will write a custom essay sample on Ethical Decision Making Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now A psychologist working in the Baltimore City Public School System with middle school students in the Promoting Respect Integrity Discipline Education (PRIDE) Program starts to develop sexual feelings toward one of the young male studentââ¬â¢s. At first the psychologist could resist his temptations for wanting to engage in sexual activities with the young man, but the more time he spent with the student the stronger his desires became. The psychologist finds ways to meet with the student alone and he builds a trusting relationship with him and his mother. He accomplishes this by offering to be a mentor/big brother to the student because the mother is a single parent. The mother was appreciative that the psychologist was spending time with her son, by helping him with his homework, taking him to the movies, and helping to purchase school supplies. The psychologist convinced the mother to allow him to give the boy a cell phone claiming that the boy and his mother could stay in contact because the mother worked overtime, and the child would be home alone. The mother agreed to this, not thinking there was anything to the relationship. The psychologist continues to buy his client gifts and take him out to dinner and to the movies. The school psychologist finds that the boy loves dogs and asks the boy if he wanted a job after-school and on the weekends walking his dogs, he convinced the boy by taking the job they could spend more time together. The boy tells his mother about the job and the mother agrees to this and finally the psychologist asks the mother if he could take the boy on a weekend camping trip, which the mother agrees. It was on the camping trip the psychologist expresses his feelings toward the boy and the boy shares his feelings toward the psychologist and he and the boy engage in sexual relations. The sexual relationship continues the rest of the school year and throughout the summer. When the new school year begins the psychologist is still engaging in sexual relations with the student, begins to develop feelings for another student and starts spending less time with the first young man, as a result of this the boy starts acting out in class, not doing his homework, failing his test, fighting with the other students, and he becomes aggressive toward the psychologist. As a result of the boyââ¬â¢s acting out behaviors a parent conference is scheduled, the boy reveals that he and the psychologist have been engaging in sexual relations for the past seven to eight months. A formal investigation is conducted and it comes out that the psychologist has been spending time with the young man outside of the school, the young man spent several nights at the psychologist home, the boy told how the psychologist took him to Delaware for a weekend trip when the mother thought the boy was staying the weekend with his grandmother. The psychologist even allowed the young man to drive his car on several occasions. When the psychologist was confronted with these allegations, he broke down and confessed that he and the young man were in love and that the sex was consensual. The psychologist was arrested, fired from his job, lost his license, his apartment, and he has to register as a child sex offender. When the information was released by the media several other young boyââ¬â¢s came forth from different schools stating that he had a sexual relationships with the psychologist as well. The young man and his mother had to relocate to another state, he and his mother are in family counseling with a female psychologist who works with youth who have been molested. Steps in Ethical Decision Making According to Pope and Vasquez (2007), there are 18 steps used in the ethical decision making process, and these steps serve as a guide for every professional psychologist. The steps are available to help the psychologist know when he or she must think through and know how to respond appropriately to an ethical dilemma, how to take responsibility for his or her actions to the response that he or she has made. These steps will also assist the psychologist in coming up with a way to see specific aspects of the situation, he or she will be able to consider both the negative and the positive consequences in which an individual could respond, and finally the steps will help the psychologist to develop different approaches to meet the needs of the client. The first 14 steps will be considered in this section as it relates to the role of the psychologist and what boundary issues are. 1) Identify the situation that requires ethical consideration and decision making. The psychologist has developed sexual feelings toward a young male client at the school in which he works. 2) Anticipate who will be affected by your decision. The parties that will be affected is the child, the mother, the psychologist, and any other students which he has had sexual relations with. 3) Figure out whom, if anyone is the client. The young boy is the client, as well as the other boyââ¬â¢s he molested. 4) Assess your relevant areas of competence, and of missing knowledge, skills, experience, or expertise in regards to the relevant aspects of this situation. The psychologist has engaged in this type of behavior before. When he started having these feelings for the client he should have referred the client to the social worker and worked with his other clients. 5) Review relevant formal ethical standards. The psychologist failed to abide by the code of ethics and the ethic codes are very clear about psychologist/client sexual relationships. The ethical standards are helpful in understanding the boundary issues in this particular situation. 6) Review relevant legal standards. In this situation the law states that an adult cannot take a minor across state lines without parental consent. It is illegal for an adult to have sex with a minor. 7) Review the relevant research and theory. The laws are very clear about sex with minors, and transporting minors across state lines. 8) Consider how, if at all, your personal feelings, biases, or self-interest might affect your ethical judgment and reasoning. In this situation the psychologist was moved by his feelings and lost sight of what he was suppose to be doing and that was helping his client deal with his issues as an emotional disturbed individual. His decision to engage in sexual relations with a minor will be frowned upon by his colleagues, society, and the school system. 9) Consider what effects, if any, that social, cultural, religious, or similar factors may have on the situation and on identifying ethical responses. The social, cultural, and religious sectors here disapprove of sexual relations with members of the same sex, and the law clearly states that sex with a minor is illegal, and it is not considered consensual when the child is under 18 years of age. 10) Consider consultation. The psychologist should have been in therapy himself because he needs someone that he can trust to help him resist the urge to have sex with a minor. 11) Develop alternative courses of action. The psychologist should have sought out an individual that he could confide in about his desire to have sex with young boys. He should have also removed himself from working with young boys if he knew that this was a weakness for him. 12) Evaluate the alternative courses of action. The worst possible impact that this situation has is the psychology will lose everything and go to jail. He also has caused harm to the young man which he was trusted to care for. The psychologist violated the trust of the mother, and corrupted the mind of the young man. 13) Try to adopt the perspective of each person who will be affected. The young man who was involved believed that the psychologist loved him; the mother believed that the psychologist really wanted to help her son, and the psychologist was just looking to satisfy his sexual urges of having sex with young men. 14) Decide what to do and then review or reconsider it. In this situation the right thing to do is not engage in sexual relations with a minor. Remove yourself from the equation and avoid working with young men if you know this is a weakness for you. The Importance of Ethical Decision Making In professional psychology ethical decision making is important because it helps to steer the psychologist in the right direction, helping him or her to avoid major pitfalls and getting into dilemmaââ¬â¢s that there is no good outcome. Every psychologist must understand that there are lives at stakes and each decision that he or she makes will have a negative or positive effect not only on him or her, and the client but also on all parties closely related to the client. Conclusion In conclusion the relationship between the school psychologist and the young male client who he had sexual relations with was analyzed. The psychologist violated the ethical codes and standards by engaging and acting on his sexual feelings toward a minor client. He further violated the trust of the young man and his mother who believed that the psychologist was helping the young man, but rather he created more harm than good. The steps in the ethical decision making process were applied and the importance of ethical decision making was discussed. How to cite Ethical Decision Making Paper, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Australian Tax Law Market Valuation
Question: Discuss about the Australian Tax Law for Market Valuation. Answer: 1. Issue The information provided highlights the case about Hilary who receives offer from a particular newspaper so as to write her autobiography. Since she is a famous mountain climber, hence it was expected that this book would have commercial value and hence, the newspaper offered a total amount to the tune of $ 10,000 for the book and all rights associated with the same. Hilary accepts the offer and writes and book and realises $ 10,000 from the newspaper for the rights, $ 5,000 from Mitchell Library for the manuscript and $ 2,000 from the museum for the photographs of the expedition, In this light, the core issue is to determine whether the above sum of payments received by Hillary would be considered as income from personal exertion or not. Rule It is critical to distinguish capital receipts from revenue receipts to arrive at appropriate taxation treatment. While capital receipts arise from the liquidation or transfer of capital assets but revenue receipts typically arise from normal course of business or employment. The capital receipts are not taxable but any capital gains that are realised would be subject to Capital Gains Tax or CGT as per Section 10-5 (Woellner, 2013). However, the revenue receipts would be taxed as ordinary income under Section 6-5. In accordance for receipts to be recognised under income from personal exertion, it is pivotal that it should be either business activity or employment which is essentially repetitive in nature. It is noteworthy that isolated transactions with the intention of profit making also contribute to ordinary income (Barkoczy, 2015). In order to understand the classification of copyright as a capital asset or income from personal exertion, the discussion in the Brent v. Federal Commissioner of Taxation(1971) 125 CLR 418 is highly relevant. In the given case, there was an agreement between the appellant i.e. Mrs. Briggs with regards to narration of her stay with her husband who was involved in a famous robbery. She accepted one of such offers and thus narrated the story to a couple of journalists who then produced a story based on her account and gave her for modifications and suggestions if any. In lieu of the appellant indulging in story-telling to the journalists which spanned four five days, the appellant was made partial payments but the remaining instalments promised in the contract were never made (Krever Black, 2007). As a result, there was a dispute with the tax commissioner and hence the matter went to court where the central issue was to determine whether the proceeds would be capital or revenue in thi s case (Deutsch et. al., 2015). The court ruled that the given receipts were of capital nature. This is because the only contribution of appellant in the given case is with regards to the secret information in relation to her life spent with her husband, She disclosed these facts to the journalists and also authenticated the story by putting her signature on all pages is the relevant consideration for the newspaper to enter into a legal contract. The imperative aspect was giving of information with the remaining services that were offered in terms of any photographs, token etc. were incidental to the contract. Thus, due to the transfer of copyright and information, the income was earned and hence it was a capital transaction where an asset has been realised for cash. Thus, no income tax was levied on the payment received although the same was held subject to CGT (Sadiq et. al., 2015). Application In the given case, taking a cue from the decision in the Brent v. Federal Commissioner of Taxationcase, it is apparent that the local newspaper has approached Hilary not because of her superior writing skills as she has never written anything before. The real motive of the newspaper was to extract secret information about her personal life which except Hilary no one knew. Further, the copyright with regards to the book indicates that Hilary would not share this information with anyone else for the act of publishing. Thus, even though Hilary had indulged in writing the book, it is mere incidental and quite likely would have been modified by the newspaper before publishing. The real asset in the given case is the knowledge and secret information which Hilary had. Hence, by passing on the copyright to the newspaper, there is essentially a transfer of ownership of capital asset, The same can also be concluded about the income derived from photograph and manuscripts, Hilary is not engaged in the profession of writing or photography, hence the income is derived and not earned. Conclusion The total receipts of $ 17,000 would be termed as capital receipt which have effectively been derived and not earned and therefore would not be taxable as ordinary income. However, these would be subject of CGT in accordance with Section 10-5 of ITAA, 1997. (b) The answer in above case would not differ even if Hilary was driven by self-satisfaction instead of profit making intention. This is primarily because the commercial value of the writing, photograph and manuscript would not be derived on the basis of writing or photographic skills but on the basis of the copyrighted information she has about her personal life which she is sharing through the book and the photos (Barkoczy, 2015). 2. Issue The son approaches her mother for seeking financial help to the tune of $ 40,000 which he promised to repay after five years. The mothers intention while extending the financial help was only to help the son and hence she did not expect any interest payment in lieu and only required that principal be repaid. However, the son claimed that he would provide an interest of 5% pa. The total principal of $ 40,000 was repaid by the son before the scheduled five years. Repayment of principal happened after two years with an interest payment of $ 4,000 over and above the principal repayment of $ 40,000. $ 4,000 has been computed as 5% of the principal taken. The aim is to determine the tax treatment which would be extended to the payment received in reference to assessable income. Rule In accordance with Section 6(5) ITAA, 1997, interest payment is included in the taxable income and is assessable as it falls under the ambit of ordinary income. The following interest payments contribute to ordinary income (Woellner, 2013) Investment in any particular interest bearing security Operating a money lending business In order to distinguish a casual transaction with a full-fledged business, it is imperative to compare the character of the transaction and intent with the actual business transactions. If the isolated transaction is done in a business like manner, it can very well constitute a business. Additionally, it is imperative to note that the interest derived from a given transaction need not be paid directly but can also be paid on a lump sum basis to be included as part of the ordinary income (Sadiq et. al., 2015). Besides, as per TR 2005/13, the rules associated with classification of a payment as gift are enumerated below (Deutsch et. al., 2015). It is requisite that ownership must be transferred. The transfer made must be made voluntarily. Benefaction is the key driving force behind the transfer. There must not be expectation of any potential gains in return Application It is apparent in the given case, that the mother is not running a business of money lending. This is apparent from the non-commercial conduct while extending the loan which was extending without any collateral in the absence of any formal loan agreement and without any intention of earning interest income. Essentially, the incremental amount given as interest would amount to gift in this case because of the following reasons. The payment of $ 2000 has indeed been transferred to the mother. Even though the mother did not want any interest, but still the son voluntarily makes the payment. Clearly, the payment is driven by the mother son relation. By making the payment to the mother, the son has no expectations with regards to the future. Conclusion On the basis of the above discussion, it is apparent that the incremental amount over the loan repayment amounts to gift for the mother and would not contribute to assessable income of the mother. 3. Capital gain on a particular asset is the difference in value of the derived sales proceeds and the cost base of the given asset. For long term capital gains, there are two available methods available for deriving the net taxable capital gains namely discount method and indexation method (Barkoczy, 2015). In discount method, the long term capital gains are reduced by 50% and the remaining amount is subject to capital gains tax. This method can be availed only by taxpayers who are individuals. The indexation method is available to both individual taxpayers and companies. It relies on increasing the assets cost base using inflation figures and thus minimise the liability on account of capital gains (Woellner, 2013). Part a) It is known that property has been sold on March 1, 2015 for a consideration of $ 800,000 The total amount spent on construction is $ 60,000 while the valuation of land when house construction commenced was $ 90,000. The taxable component of capital gains in accordance with the two methods stated above is shown below. It is noteworthy that land was purchased in the pre-CGT era and hence no capital gains would be incurred on the sale of land (Sadiq et. al., 2015). Percentage share of value by house = (60000/(90000+60000))*100 = 40% Thus, sales proceeds from house which is subject to CGT = 40% of 800000 = $ 320,000 Capital gains = 320000 60000 = $ 240,000 Discount = (50/100)* 240,000 = $ 120,000 Hence, capital gains that would be levied CGT as per discount method = 240000 120000 = $ 120,000 Indexation Method CPI value in 1999 = 68.72 CPI value in 1986 = 43.2 Hence, indexation factor = 68.72/43.2 = 1.59 Hence, indexed construction cost of house = 60000*1.59 = $ 95,400 Taxable capital gains = 320000 95400 = $ 224,600 It is apparent from the calculation done by two methods that the discount method leads to a lower CGT liability and hence would be preferred by Scott. Part b) There has been a change in the customer who buys the property to Scotts daughter which hs resulted in the selling price being significantly lower at $ 200,000. As per Section 116-30(2), in cases where it is evident that the selling price is significantly lower than the existing market price, in such cases the capital gains would be computed by assuming the higher of these two prices as the sale price (ATO, 2015). As a result, the answer in this case would be the same as above. Part c) The owner of the property is a company and thus the only option available is indexed method (Deutsch et, al, 2015). As seen in part (a), the taxable capital gains in accordance with indexation method amount to $ 224,600. References ATO 2015, Why do you need a market valuation, Australian Taxation Office, Available online from https://www.ato.gov.au/General/Capital-gains-tax/In-detail/Real-estate/Transferring-real-estate-to-family-or-friends/?page=3 (Accessed on August 22, 2016) Barkoczy, S. 2015. Australian tax casebook. CCH Publications, Sydney Deutsch, R, Freizer, M, Fullerton, I, Hanley, P, Snape, T 2015, Australian tax handbook 8th eds., Thomson Reuters, Pymont Krever, R Black, C 2007, Australian taxation law cases 2007, 4th eds., Thomson ATP. Pyrmont, N.S.W Sadiq, K, Coleman, C, Hanegbi, R, Jogarajan, S, Krever, R, Obst, W, and Ting, A 2015 ,Principles of Taxation Law 2015,8th eds., Thomson Reuters, Pymont Woellner, R 2013, Australian taxation law 2012, 6th eds., CCH Australia, North Ryde
Monday, March 23, 2020
Time To Change With Time Essays - Cultural Appropriation
Time To Change With Time Time To Change With Time Change starts when someone sees the next step. ~William Drayton Native Americans are trying to take that next step. For the past 100 years Americans have stolen their sacred names and used them for mascots of high school, college, and professional sports teams. The National Education Association is one of the first to step to the plate by passing, Article I-41, which advises use of Prejudicial Terms and Symbols The National Education Association deplores prejudice based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender, age, disability, size, marital status, or economic status and rejects the use of names, symbols, caricatures, emblems, logos, and mascots that promote such prejudice. (92,94) By having these practices they believe the rights of Native Americans are protected. Native American Mascots in sports need to change to protect and uphold the rights that are granted to them from the constitution. If we started all over before any names were made and altered these names towards other races how would people react? Lets take the Cleveland Indians for example. What would happen if we had used the Jews, Blacks or Chinese as this political cartoon suggests. Every race involved would have been in an uproar when the caricature came out. They would feel that their constitutional rights were being ignored. But, when Chief Wahoo of the Cleveland Indians, runs about drunkenly at baseball games1 they feel that it is ok to disregards the Indian name, heritage, and ritual. Taking in the psychological considerations for the Native Americans dehumanization, as the word implies, is a psychological process that reduces a person or group to a sub-human level. One way in which this process is deployed is by suggesting the subject of the dehumanization is like an animal. Because animals of various types and Indians related mascots are those most frequently used, it can be observed that this practi ce places Native Peoples on a par with wild beasts.2 The people or person who decided to use the name the Indians was not thinking of the long-term controversy it was going to cause. As a group of professional mental health providers, we are in agreement that using images of American Indians as mascots?is damaging to the self-identity, self-concept and self-esteem of our people. These names might seem powerful and forceful but in the long run they have put a culture down and made the fell less of a person. Not only using the name of Indian is wrong but using Redskin is also degrading. The Washington Redskins have used the name redskins for the last 67 years, and maybe the sports fans have just been accustom to the word. Maybe they should just learn what the word means. Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary defines the word redskins in the following manner: American Indian, usually taken to be offensive. The word originated in the 1600's when bounty hunters exchanged the dead bodies of Native women, children and men for money. Since the bodies were too much trouble to transport, the bounty hunters started skinning their victims and exchanging the skins for money. Thus the term redskins were invented. The unified voice of American Indians has been effective. Most recently, a federal trademark panel ruled to revoke the Washington Redskins' federal trademark protection, because the trademark was considered disparaging to the American Indian people?3 When the Redskins have to change their name maybe they will think about the Yellowskins. Since most of the population is Caucasian why couldn't we have the name changed. If we have been using the Redskins, which degrade the American Indians, while we don't think so, why shouldn't we use the Washington Yellowskins? This change would not only cause uproar in society, but may even cause a major boycott. But why should this change of name cause a boycott? Because Americans only care about one person and that is themselves. Americans believe in protecting their own constitutional and or civil rights, not to help smaller minorities. Lame Deer hits the nail on the head when he states Desire killed that man, as desire has killed many before and after him. If this earth should ever be destroyed, it will be by desire, by lust of pleasure
Friday, March 6, 2020
Political Morality Essays - American Political Philosophy
Political Morality Essays - American Political Philosophy Political Morality topic: American History- Winthrop, Hutchinson Political Morality In Webster's dictionary, morality is defined as "principles of right and wrong in conduct; ethics." The principles of morality have countless times evolved over the ages. In earlier times, death was an easy penalty for many crimes. These crimes today are considered minor and are penalized with a slap on the hand. Is this considered wrong? Who is the correct authority to consult on what is right or wrong? In today's society, two major factors concern how the way members of society act and behave. The first is our national government. Members of our government in positions of authority decide everything in our lives in the form of laws which determine our behavior. One of the most important documents written by our government is the Declaration of Independence. The monarchy was taking away power from the colonists and putting more demands on. In return, the colonists declared their freedom from their tyrant. In this document, it states, "All men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." The great men who wrote this down had a strong sense of morals. They believed that men were given rights by God that no one could take away. This is essential to the issue of morality because it determines the rights- that are agreed upon all- are wrong. This brings us to religion. Religion is a major contributor to how we think and act because it mirrors our beliefs in what we hold as right or wrong. An example of this is the native tribes of africa and South America where a number of tribes practice cannibalism. While this is considered a sin in most christian religions, the tribes have evolved into cannibalism as a way to survive in life and have no objections to their eating habits. The problem arises when the line between government and religion is crossed. While religion does not have to power to punish one physically, but rather soulfully of one has sinned. The government has the power to sentence punishment, yet should have no power concerning God. Many different religions have evolved all over the world and in the process, have people have been prosecuted in their faith. The first settlers in the new world came here to avoid prosecution from the powerful church/government of that time. Specifically, the Church of England headed by the king. Puritan leaders led their followers to a place where they could express their religion with no fear of other faiths. One such leader was John Winthrop. John Winthrop was a powerful Puritan governor in the colony of Massachusetts Bay. He believed that this was a calling from God for him to lead the new religious experiment-a covenant with God to built a model for mankind. "We shall be a city upon the hill." declared Winthrop. As governor Winthrop held considerable power. He distrusted the commoners and thought democracy was the "meanest and worst" forms of government. Anyone who brought trouble or had indifferent thought were severely punished to "save their soul." As one of his extensions of his powers he banished Roger Williams, a popular Salem minister with radical ideas and an unrestrained tongue, and Mistress Anne Hutchinson, A strong willed women who challenged the authority of the clergy by stating the truly saved need not bother to obey the laws of God or man. Several problems arise throughout this banishment. I am for a democratic society in which one can express his or her thoughts without the fear of prosecution. They did not have the luxury of this. The need for the expressment of ideas is essential for a growing environment. If no growth is made, then expansion of the community is halted to a standstill. The limit of new idea's must have a point, though. In recent news, the Unabomber has issued a ultimanium with his manuscript. In the past, such a request would have been rediculous. In his manuscript he expresses his view on the evils of technology. While a citizen is entitled to free speech and press, threatening murder is not such an option.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Philosophy final paper pre-question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Philosophy final paper pre-question - Essay Example have a function or activity, the good and the ââ¬Ëwellââ¬â¢ is thought to reside in the function.â⬠Therefore, it is the human good which keeps the function the soul performs in accordance with virtue. The key points in Aristotleââ¬â¢s concept of function include the following arguments in brief: Aristotle argues that everything has a function or activity to perform. Further, based on this argument, he states that everything that has a function has a virtue as well. Therefore, it is the virtue of the thing that enables it to perform its function well. The basic function of the soul, as argued by Aristotle is to take care of things, rule and deliberate, and so on. Because, these are the activities one cannot perform without the soul. Again, the soul can perform well only when it has the virtue associated with its function. In this way, a good soul performs, takes care of things, and in general, lives a good life. This is where the conception of happiness comes into being. Therefore, the conception of happiness is mainly derived from the good functions performed by the soul while performing them all well with the nature of virtue. When the soul performs its function virtuously, then the soul becomes associated with justice. That means the just soul performs well and, therefore, lives well. That is how the soul is blessed with happiness. Whereas a bad soul does just the opposite of what a good soul does. In that sense, the bad or the unjust soul performs as well as lives badly and so is wretched. This is what Aristotle describes as the definition of the notion of happiness. In the process of his argumentation, Aristotle wants to identify happiness with virtuous activities performed by the soul. A happy man will have a pleasant life. However, pleasure is not the only good thing that happens to a happy man. In simple words, a happy man will share both a pleasant as well as virtuous life. When the notion of happiness is introduced, Aristotle proposes his view of
Monday, February 3, 2020
Young Australians & the U.N Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Young Australians & the U.N - Essay Example I know my input can help shape the community and make a difference to other young people. Being a Committee member will give the individual a valuable opportunity to build their skill base by gaining leadership experience, an in-depth knowledge of the youth sector, and build networks within the business and community sector.â⬠(Adam Smith, Deputy Chair of The Foundation for Young Australians). Also United Nations Youth Associations of Australia is a significant voice for the youth of Australia. They play an important role in the education of every youth as each individual is looked upon as the next leader of the country. Youth speak are between the age group of 12 to 25years. Ben Groom the elected Australian youth representative to the United Nations Spent five months traveling around Australia and collecting issues to be represented at the UN. The Australian Youth Representative to the United Nations is a member of the Australian Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly in New York. Once selected, the Youth Representative has the challenging but amazing task of consulting with a substantial proportion of Australiaââ¬â¢s youth population. The broad goal of the consultation phase is to equip the Youth Representative with a comprehensive mandate of youth representation that may be outside the normal scope of their experiences as a young person. This will assist greatly in the preparation of the Youth Representativeââ¬â¢s address to the General Assembly. (Australian Youth Representative to UN, 2007) Ben Groom is the 2007 Australian youth Representative to the UN. On 9th October Ben addressed the UN and the issues represented were due to insufficient rains many were facing drought. ââ¬Å"Young people are the most effective agents of change. The world can harness this energy by strengthening the role of education and training in global climate change solutions. Australian youth have already proven we can
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Economic impacts of tourism
Economic impacts of tourism Economic advantages of tourism in Poland. Once of the main economic advantages for the country from the sector of tourism is foreign exchange. Money tourists spend while in Poland creates income the county can then use to invest or fuel the development and financial advancement of other economic sectors. Before Poland joined the EU and the Euro became the official currency of all member countries. Poland accelerated its economic growth by using other currencies such as the German mark or the English pounds which tourists brought with them and were stronger against the local currency (zl). Now as it has the same currency as any other country in the Euro zone it no longer requires to accumulate foreign exchange to help transactions made with member countries. Of course foreign exchange still remains an important indicator of international tourism even though there is no foreign exchange in Europe other countries such as America, Russia and China and its people are still required to bring an amount of money from their own currency based on their length of stay. As one of the top five export categories for 83% of the worlds countries and the main source of foreign exchange earnings for 38% them. Before joining the EU Poland belonged under both these categories. Contribution to government revenues from tourism is separated into two categories. The direct contributions which are generated from income taxes, tourism employment, businesses related with tourism such as travel agencies, public boats, marinas etc. and of course from direct taxes on the traveling tourists such as departure taxes. The second category is the indirect contributions, generated from taxes and duties taxed and products and services supplied to the tourist for example accommodation and food. Leaving Poland aside for a moment and viewing this on a worldwide scale the WTO had estimated in 1998 that direct and indirect tax contribution to economies around the globe surpassed 800 billion US $. This year (2010) the WTO estimates this figure to be double. Employment generation The rapid expansion of tourism in Poland the recent years lead to a significant increase in and creation of employment. For examples Hotels alone provide around #### jobs Furthermore tourism generates jobs also directly through restaurants, means of transport, nightclubs, and travel agencies, souvenir sales and tourists attractions while it also generates jobs indirectly through the supply of goods and services sectors associated with tourism related businesses. In total tourism supports about 437,600 workers in Poland. Stimulation of infrastructure investment Since a nice country is an attractive country, tourism motivates the government to work on improving the infrastructure of destination sites which slowly spread throughout other parts of the country as well. Such improvements among others are better water systems, sewage and waste handling systems, roads, electricity, communication means and quality, transport networks and so on. These improvements of course do not only help attract tourism but benefit the life of the local population. Contribution to local economies The environment is a basic part of the assets used by the tourism industry and for that reason profit coming for the field of tourism is measured to measure the economic value of protected areas. But local revenues are not always easy to qualify as tourism related ones that happens because not all of tourist expenses are formally registered. In Poland as in any country money is also earned through informal employment, for example from street vendors, informal guides or rickshaw drivers. The positive side of informal employment however is the fact that the money theses people earn returns to the local community as they engage their own transactions as they too have to live. This money gets a great multiplier effect as it is spent over and over again. The multiplier however is not only attributed to the informal revenues any transaction between any tourist related business and the visitors or two or more business entities which purchase items or services one from another within the local economy. What has as a result the inflow of money to Polands economy from en exterior source and this money is subsequently spent again by its new owner in a different transaction and so on. In this way the market and the different sectors is fueled extra cash. For example, the tourist will take a taxi to go to his hotel, the taxi driver will then use that money to pay for a service to his car, the mechanic will use the money he gained to go to the super market, the super market will then order new stock and so on. The multiplier is itself is split into 3 categories. Direct expenditure, is when the tourist personally exchanges money for a good or service, in the hotel or at a restaurant or at a cinema etc. It is also related with tourism produced exports and with investments related to a tourism project in an area. Indirect expenditure, is the transaction made subsequently to the one described above by the new owner of the money. For example when a hotelier pays for goods or services provided by the local area like ordering food supplies or taking extra staff. Induced expenditure is the increased purchasing activity of locals due to the additional personal income resulting from the Direct expenditure of visitors. For example, the hotel employees use their wage bonuses or tips to buy something at the super market. Induced and Indirect expenditures are also called secondary expenditure. Based on this the WTO assumes that tourism generates an indirect contribution the economy which equals to 100% of the direct tourism expenses. Economic Disadvantages of tourism in Poland. Leakage The direct income from tourism oriented transactions is the amount of money that remains after subtracting taxes, profits and wages paid to sources outside of the area and imports are bought. These amounts removed from the overall amount are leakages. Fire example in the all inclusive holiday packages more or less 80% of the tourist money goes to international companies which own airlines, tour operators, hotels etc. while the locals receive very little of that money. Additionally the remaining retained income can still leave Poland through subsequent leakage or transactions the locals do with informal or wandering vendors. There are two main ways of how leakage can occur. Import Leakage, happens when the visitors expect to find or demand standards of equipment, food or beverages Poland does not produce or cant supply by itself. Champagne, feta cheese, bananas and natural gas are only some examples of industries or products Poland cant produce for various reasons or it simply does not yet have a supplying industry. Furthermore a significant amount of the income made from tourism leaves Poland again to pay for these imports. The average import related leakage is assumed to be between 40 to 50% of gross tourism earnings for small economies and between 10 to 20% for more advanced countries. Polands leakage on imports is estimated to be 36% Export leakage, international companies play a big role in this kind of leakage. Particularly in poor developing destinations they are the ones that have the required capital to invest on building of tourism infrastructure facilities and improvements. As a result the foreign investors who sponsored the construction of hotels and other facilities take their share from the tourism related revenue back to their own countries. Enclave tourism Takes place when the more developed countries try to control the tourism development in developing destinations or use that as an opportunity to increase their own incomes. As the international companies intervene with tourism activities of les advanced countries, local businesses see their chances to earn money from tourists greatly reduced. This potential revenue decreases further with the creation of more and more All-inclusive hotels and vacation packages. Since if the visitor remains for his whole stay only in the hotel which offers him all he wants (food, drink and entertainment) local market has little ways to benefit from tourism. While all inclusive packages generate big revenue little of that reaches the local economy compared to other forma of accommodation. These types of establishments also import more trying to gain cheaper prices and employ less people than normal establishments. Infrastructure costs The development of tourism costs the government and Polish taxpayers great sums of money. In order to be able to attract and host more visitors the government proceeds to improve airports, make batter roads and improve other infrastructures as well. Foreign and even local developers in most cases request tax breakers or other financial advantages which are costly procedures for the government. The public resources with will be used to cover these financed infrastructure or tax breakers accordingly reduces Polands investment in other important areas like education or health. Increase in prices Growing demand for basic services and goods from tourists results in price increases which have a negative effect on local societies as their wages remain without an according raise. Developing tourism also creates a raise in real estate demand and this has as a result the increase of constructing costs and value of land. These growing prices and a static salary make life for locals hard. Economic dependence of the local community on tourism Diversification inside an economy is evidence of health, but when a country becomes dependant for its economic survival on a single industry, this puts great stress on the industry and the people involved with it as it has to perform well. There are many developing countries which due to little ability to explore or use other resources have focused entirely on tourism for the development of their economy. There are countries like the Maldives where 83% of local work depends on tourism; such over-reliance on tourism brings a lot of risks to an economy as the economic recession, changing tourism trends and natural disasters can have devastating results on the country. Seasonal character of jobs The problems included in the seasonal nature of tourism oriented work are mainly income insecurity as when the season is over the workers are fired and have no work until the next season. But even there is no guarantee he will get reemployed next year. It is also hard for the seasonal employees to get training, employment related medical benefits or recognition for their experience and in some cases the housing and working conditions they are offered are unsatisfactory.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Time Management Research Strategy Paper
Time Management Research Strategy Paper At first, I thought the example given; ââ¬Å"Time Managementâ⬠was not a good example to use for my paper. I didnââ¬â¢t really [Clearer writing suggestionââ¬âââ¬Å"realâ⬠or ââ¬Å"reallyâ⬠means ââ¬Å"existing in actualityâ⬠ââ¬âit adds little to the meaning (and using it to mean ââ¬Å"big,â⬠ââ¬Å"very,â⬠or ââ¬Å"genuineâ⬠is slang); replace it with a more expressive word] feel like I have an issue managing time, after all I complete my task about ninety [Express numbers higher than nine in digits (when not the first word in the sentence)] -nine percent of the time and normally finish on or ahead of schedule. However, when I stopped to look at what I complete I was surprised [The passive voice is a form of ââ¬Å"beâ⬠(was) and a participle (surprised). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs tedious to read and officious. Try to use the active voice most often, e. g. , the student completed the paper on time. The passive voice versionââ¬âThe paper was completed on time by the studentââ¬âSee eCampus>CWE>Tutorials & Guides>Grammar & Writing Guides>Active & passive voice] at my findings. I found that I have to some degree, mentally categorized my task. What I mean by this is that I have, without thinking about it, categorized my task into two separate groups: Work and personal. The first, being my primary group is the tasks related to my job. This group boasts has a very high completion rate and quality of work on these tasks is checked [Passive voice] by my employer as well and then communicated to me. Based on task tracking I have about a ninety [Express numbers higher than nine in digits (when not the first word in the sentence)] -eight percent completion rate and based on feedback from my employer I know the quality of my work is very high as well. Now, the second category is my personal life category and my after examining it, I found that I donââ¬â¢t have results anywhere near my what I have in my job related category. My personal category breaks down into two groups as well: The have to be done now [Clearer writing suggestionââ¬âââ¬Å"Nowâ⬠is a tricky concept. If the sentence is in the past tense, it probably should be rendered as ââ¬Å"then. â⬠If not, and unless you are making a philosophical statement (Now is the time to improve myself) or mean ââ¬Å"as of the present timeâ⬠(the business is now known as Ajax Corporation), onsider removing ââ¬Å"nowâ⬠ââ¬âbecause this is being read after the time you wrote it, your ââ¬Å"nowâ⬠is in the past] and the can wait until later groups. I find that when I leave work, I leave a task-oriented environment and enter an environment of relaxation and enjoyment. This environment of less critical tasks allows the task to be ignored [Passive voice] until they canââ¬â¢t be ignored [Passive voice] any longer, forcing some sort of action. Now in review of this method, the completion rate is not the only item to score poorly, the quality of the work suffers tremendously as well. Project oriented tasks that have some sort of visible outcome; such as [Check word choice: ââ¬Å"such asâ⬠refers to things that are exactly what you are discussing; ââ¬Å"likeâ⬠means something similar to what you are discussing] laying tile in a walkway get [Doctoral rule (although good advice for any academic writer)ââ¬âââ¬Å"getâ⬠is informal English and can mean many things; in academic writing, use forms of ââ¬Å"arrive at,â⬠ââ¬Å"can,â⬠ââ¬Å"couldâ⬠, ââ¬Å"grows,â⬠ââ¬Å"is able to,â⬠etc. ] completed in a timely manner and with a much higher level of quality. My goal for this research paper is to develop a strategy for improving my time management skills for my personal category. With the proper time management skills I believe the quality of work on these tasks will also rise exponentially. My goal requires information on time management tools, prioritization and [Check punctuationââ¬âinsert a comma before this word if this is the last in a list of more than twoââ¬âor if it begins a new clause] organization. I want to gather information from credible sources, so I will be looking for information from reputable time management coaches. Additionally I need to answer the following questions: ââ¬Å"How can I improve my prioritization skills? What organization tools are there for time management? and ââ¬Å"What are the keys to managing your time? â⬠I will use the Internet for my research because it can be accessed 24/7 and reference any books that are available through ââ¬Å"University of Phoenixâ⬠online library. I will place the information retrieved into two categories, relevant and non-relevant. Discarding the irrelevant data and sorting the relevant into categories that fit the questions that I have asked and a category for the questions that may be applicable which [Use ââ¬Å"thatâ⬠for a restrictive phrase (or place a comma before ââ¬Å"whichâ⬠)] I did not ask. I will then analyze the data, re-categorizing if needed, examine the evidence of recommendations, determining whether the information is fact or opinion and if it is opinion is it supported [Passive voice] by any facts. I will make comparisons to similar information identify any themes or ideas and align the information with other information retrieved. Then I will examine perspectives and assumptions. By determining what perspectives the author [If this means yourself, avoid referring to yourself in the third person; if this is a personal account, use the first person (I, me, my)] may have I will derive a better idea of what direction his information is coming from and better determine how applicable it is to my situation. Likewise, if the author has made or not made certain assumptions the information collected from this person may be applicable to my situation. There may also be a need to prove or disprove an assumption to determine just how relevant a certain piece of information is or for that matter how relevant a certain author is. I think it is important to examine my perspective as well as the authorââ¬â¢s so that I can be more specific in my search for answers. As research progresses and more is learned [Passive voice] about time management, I will ask additional questions and look for examples of these ideas and tools played out in everyday life to ensure its suitable to me. The information must make sense and be adaptable to anyone looking to improve his or her time management skills, but I will also be looking for ideas and tools that fit my character and lifestyle. Once I have answered my questions, I will determine which tools recommended work best for my personality type, I will take my character and schedule into consideration then formulate a strategy that will be easily implemented [Passive voice] into my personal lifestyle. Once implemented I will track the completion of my tasks and determine my successful completion rate, then based on feedback from my family as well as myself I will determine if the quality of my work has improved as well. References Carter, C. , Bishop, J. , & Kravits, S. L. (2007). Keys to College Studying: Becoming an Active Thinker (2nd ed. ). : Pearson Prentice Hall.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Culture and Organisation Essay
1. Introduction Established in 1993 and commenced operations on 18 November 1996, AirAsir was originally founded by a government-owned conglomerate DRB-Hicom. On 2 December 2001, the heavily-indebted airline was purchased by former South East Asian regional vice-president Warner Music Group Tony Fernandesââ¬â¢s company Tune Air Sdn Bhd for one ringgit. AirAsia Berhad is a Malaysian low-cost airline. It operates scheduled domestic and international flights and is Asiaââ¬â¢s largest low-fare, no-frills airline. AirAsia is a pioneer of low-cost flights in Asia and was also the first airline in the region to implement fully ticketless travel. Its main base is the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). In 2010 AirAsia won the Skytrax Worldââ¬â¢s best low-cost airline award. Air Asia budget with no-frills airline is introduced by Tony Fernandes with the tagline ââ¬Å"Now everybody can flyâ⬠and the man himself is also the founder of Tune Group. No fuel surcharge and no admin fee. However, ticket fare and airport tax need to be paid. This was after great deliberation as the initial offer was fifty sen. Fernandes proceeded to engineer a remarkable turnaround, turning a profit in 2002 and launching new routes from its hub in Kuala Lumpur International Airport at breakneck speed, undercutting former monopoly operator Malaysia Airlines with promotional fares as low as RM1 (US$0.27). 2. Identification of central issue The main issue that will be discussed in the analysis will be Tony Fernandesââ¬â¢Ã set of values and beliefs that shaped the company corporate culture. In six words, corporate culture is ââ¬ËHow we do things around here.ââ¬â¢ Corporate culture is the collective behaviour of people using common corporate vision, goals, shared values, beliefs, habits, working language, systems, and symbols. With the tagline introduced by CEO of AirAsia Tony Fernandes ââ¬ËNow everyone can flyââ¬â¢, AirAsiaââ¬â¢s philosophy of low fares is aimed to make flying affordable for everyone. AirAsia also aims to make travel easy, convenient and fun for its guests. ââ¬Å"A firm believer in big dreamsâ⬠, can be found online (Profile-Tony Fernandes of AirAsia, 2006) Tony Fernandes famously once said, ââ¬Å"We Asian have this habit of kicking ourselves and saying it canââ¬â¢t be done. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it.â⬠(http://www.rdasia.com/a_dream_takes_flight/ , no date). At AirAsia, there is a sense of being in a good family. Tony Fernandes believes that his employees are his greatest assets and encourages a culture that emits positive vibes to ensure that every player in the team is committed and unified to set about achieving their shared goals. He once said in an interview, ââ¬Å"We do every bit we can to succeed, including making sure that we have the right atmosphere at work. Keeping our culture intact entails a lot. We have to make sure that we stay true to winning values and traits: industry, appreciation for diversity, discipline, flexibility, honesty, friendliness, passion for learning and excellence, and a genuine concern for the welfare of all.â⬠This shows that he began by setting the right foundation on which his company operates on. Maintaining the AirAsia culture is a lot of work, but it does not mean all work and no fun for the employees. According to Tony Fernandes, the AirAsia staffs are all quite happy to contribute towards keeping what they call ââ¬Å"Culture All Starsâ⬠. Organisational culture (hrm ASIA, 2010). It is what their success has been built on and what keeps their staff coming back for more. Tony Fernandesââ¬â¢s credo, ââ¬Å"Believe the unbelievable. Dream the impossible. Never take ââ¬ËNoââ¬â¢ for an answerâ⬠has clearly helped shape the AirAsia culture to what it is today. (http://www.rdasia.com/a_dream_takes_flight/, no date). ââ¬Å"Weââ¬â¢ve somehow managed to keep this uplifting atmosphere going for us, and we attribute our success to our collective faith in, and commitment to, our raison dââ¬â¢etre: Now everyone can fly.â⬠Organisational culture (hrm ASIA, 2010) We will next delve deeper for a better understanding of how the values of the ââ¬ËCorporateà cultureââ¬â¢ turned AirAsia into one of the leading airlines in Asia. 3. Outline of the theoretical framework We will be using the three levels of organizational culture as defined by Edgar Schein (2010) to analyse AirAsia. ââ¬Å"Cultureâ⬠, as formally defined by Schein (2010, p.18) is ââ¬Å"a pattern of shared basic assumptions learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaptation and internal integration, which has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problemsâ⬠. The three levels of culture are namely artifacts, espoused beliefs and values, and basic underlying assumptions. Artifacts are described by Schein (2010, p.23) as the surface level of culture, as they can include the things that a person see, hear and feel when they join a new group and are experiencing their culture for the first time. Artifacts are visible and ââ¬Ëfeelableââ¬â¢ structures and processes, and can also be an observed behavior. However, one drawback is that they can be difficult to understand and decipher (Schein, 2010, p.24). Thus, the true culture of the organization cannot be understood by solely looking at the artifacts. To understand more, it is necessary to look at the next level. Espoused beliefs and values are goals, values, aspirations and ideologies shared by everyone in an organization. Normally, these values are laid down by the leaders or founders of the organization (Schein, 2010, p.25). However, espoused beliefs and values can sometimes be mutually contradictory (Schein, 2010, p.27). Thus, the organizationââ¬â¢s culture is only understood just on the surface level. Basic underlying assumptions, which are unconscious and taken-for-granted beliefs and values provide for a deeper understanding of an organizationââ¬â¢s culture. Schein concluded that the essence of a culture lies in the pattern of basic underlying assumptions (Schein, 2010, p.32). If the basic underlying assumptions are not deciphered, it will be hard to understand the artifacts and espoused beliefs and values correctly. As Schein (2010, p.32) himself had concluded, any groupââ¬â¢s culture can be studied at the three levels. The three levels of culture allows for an analysis of AirAsiaââ¬â¢s organizational cultural from an observational level. Information can be readily drawn from business reviews, news articles on AirAsia, interviews with AirAsiaââ¬â¢s founder Toney Fernandesà and AirAsiaââ¬â¢s website, thus making Edgar Scheinââ¬â¢s three levels of culture an ideal model for analysis of AirAsiaââ¬â¢s culture. 4. Analysis 5.1 Artifacts It is a normal procedure to have an induction organized by the Human Resource Management team to welcome new employees into the AirAsia corporation. A corporate culture department in AirAsia was set up in August 2004 to promote the AirAsia spirit and family atmosphere through close communication and exciting activities designed especially for AirAsia employees. This act supports the statements made by Tony Fernandes; that his employees are the driving force behind the brandââ¬â¢s success. The objective is to ensure that the AirAsia employees across the world uphold the culture of ONE PEOPLE, ONE CULTURE, ONE AIR ASIA and ONE FAMILY to reach the goal of ensuring the best experience at ONE AirAsia wherever they fly. The people of AirAsia are their asset, and their dedication, determination and patience have made AirAsia a success story. They have built conducive and positive AirAsia culture that permeates all the line of operation. Annual report (AirAsia, 2006). There are five published list of values at AirAsia that are inculcated in the employees ââ¬â safety, passion, integrity, caring and fun. These values provide a frame of reference for AirAsia experience and a corporate culture in which they live and deliver peak performance. Tony Fernandesââ¬â¢ usual style of dressing at work also reflects the culture at AirAsia. He goes to work wearing his trade mark red AirAsia cap, short sleeved t-shirts and a pair of jeans which are sometimes older than his employees. By doing so, he is able to break the psychological barrier of communication between himself and his employees and get everybody to talk and give invaluable ideas. As mentioned earlier, ââ¬Å"People are AirAsiaââ¬â¢s best asset.â⬠Tony Fernandes would like to create a flat structure, where everyone has access to the big boss and that allows him to get the best people and discover their potential and talent. A fine example of such discovery of talent would be Azmir Hash im, a former Guest Service staff who successfully graduated from AirAsiaââ¬â¢s cadet pilot program. This proves that Tony provides support that fulfils the dreams of his employees. In this way, Tony Fernandes has created a friendly and approachable working environment within his company. Tony Fernandesââ¬â¢Ã philosophy of low fares aimed to make flying affordable for everyone while providing convenience and fun for its guests across the region is reflected by the successful Airbus A320, which is known for its fuel efficiency, high reliability and low operating costs. The Airbus offers guests greater width space, a quieter ride and unrivalled comfort. In December 2007, AirAsia became the largest Airbus A320 customer in the world. The fleet consists of 56 Airbus A320 aircraft spread across Malaysia (44 aircraft), Thailand (8 aircraft) and Indonesia (4 aircraft) as of the end of 2008. Annual report (AirAsia, 2008). Through this approach, AirAsia has greater flexibility to meet the needs of each market while building on the cost efficiencies of operating one aircraft type. 5.2 Espoused Beliefs and Values At AirAsia, where Tony Fernandes aims to create the best environment within the company to work in, employees are treated as part of a big family, and being family, safety always comes first. AirAsia has committed itself to a programme of reducing risks and hazards normally associated with the aviation industry through a Safety Management System. This commitment is extended to ensure the full integration of a safety culture, safety policy and safety objectives in a proactive approach to aviation safety. In short, the Safety Management System is not just an add-on but a core part of AirAsiaââ¬â¢s business process. A Safety Management System relies on the development of a reporting culture by all employees and is a vehicle for ensuring that hazards and safety deficiencies are brought to the attention of those who have the authority to make changes. CEO Tony Fernandes has pledged that he would not take disciplinary action against any employee who dared to make a stand and report a sa fety hazard to the companyââ¬â¢s management, and no staff member will be asked to compromise AirAsiaââ¬â¢s safety standards just to get the job done. ââ¬Å"Training of employees to ensure they can perform their tasks in a safe and efficient manner is an essential ingredient of AirAsiaââ¬â¢s Safety Management System. It is managementââ¬â¢s responsibility to make available and carry out this training, and it is the employeeââ¬â¢s responsibility to follow safe working practicesâ⬠, said Tony Fernandes, who highlighted that safety is a core value of his company. Annual report (AirAsia, 2010). To Tony Fernandes, the staff members are theà pillars of his company, where everyone has a chance to shine regardless of their race, gender, creed, age, disability religion and sexual orientation. The vital thing is to ensure quality work from the staff, and Tony Fernandes believes all these start from providing a happy workplace for them. The Junior Wings Club was set up in 2008 to encourage interaction and friendship between the families of AirAsians. The objectives of this Club is to allow the children of the AirAsia staff members to understand their parentsââ¬â¢ jobs, hone their characters and leadership skills, impart them with knowledge on various subjects and tap on their creativity by participating in activities together. The aim is to maintain a healthy balance between work and personal life so that it will result in higher efficiency in work performance at AirAsia. This is an example of how AirAsia lives up to its promise of ââ¬Å"Valuing Our Peopleâ⬠. Annual report (AirAsia, 2008). Another main value at AirAsia is to enhance the guestsââ¬â¢ experience by improving speed and efficiency at every interface between the guests and the airline. A comprehensive Microsoft-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system was deployed since 1 April 2010. This Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system integrates its various sales, service and marketing initiatives onto a single platform which allows AirAsia to int eract with guests on a more informed basis and tailor its services to meet individual guestsââ¬â¢ needs. From reservations and check-ins, to baggage handling, boarding and in-flight Customer Relationship Management (CRM) takes care of them all. AirAsia supervisory staff members are strategically located at the airports to provide on-the-spot assistance to the guests. There are also Service Counters in the departure halls to handle enquiries. In 2010, AirAsia introduced new mobile phone apps for smart phones which makes booking-on-the-go more convenient. In January 2011, AirAsia also introduced the concept of web and self check-in. This allows guests to check in from their laptop or computers days before their departure dates. Guests can also quickly key in their flight details at kiosks at the terminal airports to obtain a boarding pass without having to queue up at a counter when they do self check-in. All these new implementations serve to make good its promise ââ¬Å"to make travel easy, convenient and fun for its guests.â⬠The Board of Directors of AirAsia is committed in ensur ing the highest standards of corporate governance are applied throughout the Group. Reviewing adequacyà and integrity of the Companyââ¬â¢s internal controls is one of the duties and responsibilities of the Board. The Board is made up of Non-Executive Directors, and they are persons of high calibre and integrity who collectively possess rich experience. It is required that all Non-Executive Directors are independent in character and judgement who do not participate in the day-to-day management of the company and do not involve themselves in business transactions or relationships with the Group in order not to compromise their objectivity. In order to improve the overall organizational effectiveness and to uphold the integrity of the Company in the eyes of the public, the Company has updated the whistleblowing program during the year which acts as a formal communication channel where all stakeholders can communicate their concerns in cases where the Companyââ¬â¢s business conduct is deemed to be contrary to the Companyââ¬â¢s common values. All concerns will be addressed to the Chief Audit Executive (Audit & Consulting Services), who will then assess all concerns reported and recommend the appropriate action and all details pertaining to the name and position of the whistleblower will be kept strictly confidential throughout the investigation proceedings. Mazliana Mohamad was appointed the Regional Head of Audit and Consulting Services in 2010. Her main roles include providing independent and objective assurance and consulting services designed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of AirAsiaââ¬â¢s operations and integrity of the financial reporting and to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Practicing the highest standards of ethical behavior and demonstrating honesty in all the line of work is vital to gain trust and command mutual respect at AirAsia, and this is in line with Tony Fernandesââ¬â¢ beliefs of his companyââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"winning valuesâ⬠. Setting goals beyond the best and reinforcing high quality performance standards is to support AirAsiaââ¬â¢s values of ââ¬Å"Excellence in Performanceâ⬠. In its endeavor to be a full-fledged self-sufficient airline, AirAsia has set up its own Academy which commenced operations in April 2005 with a vision to provide and fulfill training needs that would support their mission to deliver low-cost, high quality benefits to their customers across the region. The Academy is a one-stop, comprehensive learning centre and caters to all the important and necessary needs for all its employees. This includes pilots, engineers, cabin crew, ramp support and guest services front-line staff. The curriculumà undertaken conforms to international standards and this training facility complies to all the regulations of the Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation, Thai Department of Civil Aviation, Indonesian Department of Civil Aviation and Civil Aviation Safety Authority Australia. Annual repo rt (AirAsia, 2008). 5.3 Basic Underlying Assumption There is a great sense of empowerment of AirAsia enhanced by an open office layout which encourages easy interaction between everyone and flat hierarchy that breaks down psychological and cultural barriers. All staff (All Star) can approach any member of the management team to voice out an opinion or share an idea. Good ideas, proposed by anyone, can be implemented quickly because there is little bureaucracy. At the same time, bad ideas can be scrapped just as fast. The AirAsia staff members understand that generating ideas is not limited to the directors and executives of the company and that everyone can contribute ideas regardless of their rank in the company. This informal structure means not only that there are more than 8,000 brains (of All Star) contributing to the company performance as opposed to just 20 or so at management level. It also helps to keep costs down by tapping on internal resources as opposed to paying for outsourced external help. Human capital development at AirAsia is about providing opportunities to their people (All Star); opportunities such as fulfilling the dreams of the cabin crew and ground officers to become pilots. This helps to develop talents within the company and saves cost on hiring a brand new employee who needs to be trained from scratch. With the basic assumption of ââ¬ËNow Everyone Can Flyââ¬â¢, AirAsia is operating in a cost optimization philosophy to make flying affordable for everyone. 5. Conclusion With the foundation that Tony Fernandes has created, the AirAsia staff members are currently in a friendly workplace with a flat hierarchy. This creates a conducive working environment where everyone can perform at their best. With the low cost implementations in place, AirAsia has continued to deliver its promise of affordable airfares with reliable services. As a company previously with almost RM40 millions in debt, AirAsia has madeà tremendous progressive steps to where it is today, thanks to the leadership of CEO Tony Fernandes. With the growth that sees AirAsia currently in 18 countries, it has potential to progress even more. Continued success creates strongly held shared assumptions, and thus a strong corporate culture core. If the internal and external environments remain stable, this continues to be an advantage. However, if there is a change in the environment, some of those shared core assumptions can become liabilities, precisely because of their strength. An example is a change of leadership in the company. Tony Fernandes created the very environment AirAsia is right now. But when the time comes for him to leave the company, the culture may diminish along with his departure. ââ¬Å"New leaders who come into the organization who do not share or value the core assumptions on which the organization was built may result either from the departure of the key culture carriers and the inability to find replacements with the same values and assumptions, or because the board wants to change the core culture and deliberately brings in outsiders with different values and assumptions.â⬠Schein (2009, p.171). 6. Recommendations From the analysis so far, we can see that AirAsia values its employees as much as its customers. The evidence is the environment created for its staff and its fulfillment of promises made to its customers. However, the leadership for AirAsia should not be taken for granted. In the face of the possible threat that Tony Fernandes may relinquish his role one day, career development programs can be rolled out to protect and preserve AirAsiaââ¬â¢s culture. Top performing staff such as directors and executives could undergo training to prepare themselves for this potential role in the future. An internal candidate would be more suitable as this person would have been exposed to the AirAsia culture and familiar with the way AirAsia operates. This program in place would likely ensure that the AirAsia culture can be preserved, and AirAsia will also retain its position in the aviation industry. Aside from this, regional meetings and team building sessions are recommended to be held periodically to keep the region abreast of each otherââ¬â¢s activities internally, and it would also strengthen relationships between employees from different countries. This will also ensure that AirAsia is consistent in their visions and beliefs regardless of theirà location. In conclusion, AirAsia is doing a great job and they should preserve their culture and continue with their mode of operation to enjoy success in the future. 7. References 1. Profile-Tony Fernandes of AirAsia (2006) Available at: http://www.skorcareer.com/malaysia-eng/tonyfernandes-airasia-profile.htm (Accessed: 26 November 2011). 2. http://www.rdasia.com/a_dream_takes_flight/ (no date) (Accessed: 26 November 2011) 3. hrm ASIA (2010) Organizational Culture. Available at: http://www.hrmasia.com/resources/employer-branding/organisational-culture/41247/(2nd)/ (Accessed: 26 November 2011) 4. http://www.rdasia.com/a_dream_takes_flight/ (no date) (Accessed: 26 November 2011) 5. hrm ASIA (2010) Organizational Culture. Available at: http://www.hrmasia.com/resources/employer-branding/organisational-culture/41247/(2nd)/ (Accessed: 26 November 2011) 6. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 7. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 8. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 9. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organ ization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 10. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 11. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 12. Schein, E.H. (2010) Organization Culture and Leadership. 4th edn. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 13. AirAsia (2006) Annual report. Available at: http://issuu.com/airasia/docs/aa-corporate-06 (Accessed: 26 November 2011). 14. AirAsia (2008) Annual report. Available at: http://www.airasia.com/iwov-resources/my/common/pdf/AirAsia/IR/AA%20Corporate%202008.pdf (Accessed: 26 November 2011). 15. AirAsia (2010) Annual report. Available at: http://www.airasia.com/iwov-resources/my/common/pdf/AirAsia/IR/AirAsia_AR10.pdf (Accessed: 26 November 2011). 16. AirAsia (2008) Annual report. Available at: http://www.airasia.com/iwov-resources/my/common/pdf/AirAsia/IR/AA%20Corporate
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